16 Jul 2024

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Monthly Report

E.g., 16/07/2024
E.g., 16/07/2024
20 Mar 2024 - General Administration of Customs, P.R. China
Total importing quantity of Fishmeal is 159,499.94 MT in January & February 2024.
20 Mar 2024 - General Administration of Customs, P.R. China
Total importing quantity of Fishmeal is 159,499.94 MT in January & February 2024.
01 Mar 2024 - CFO Exclusive Report
The monthly off-take of each Feb since 2022
06 Feb 2024 - MOARA, China
According to Enterprise estimated data report, total feed production in 2023 reached 32,162.7 x10,000 = 321,627,000 mt.
05 Feb 2024 - CFO Exclusive Report
The monthly off-take of each Jan since 2021
25 Jan 2024 -
According GAC, China data: China total imported 1,625,538.60 mt fishmeal in 2023. Year-on-Year decreased 9.76%.
25 Jan 2024 - General Administration of Customs, P.R. China
According GAC, China data: China total imported Fish oil 42,079.74 MT in 2023. Year-on-Year decreased 45.63%.
25 Jan 2024 - General Administration of Customs, P.R. China
According GAC record, China total imported 130,736.19mt Meat and Bone Meal in 2023. Year-on-Year increased 14.27%.
25 Jan 2024 - General Administration of Customs, P.R. China
According GAC record, China total imported 366,575.69 poultry meal in 2023. Year-on-Year increased 93.18%.
25 Jan 2024 - General Administration of Customs, P.R. China
According GAC record, China total imported 101,726,495.61 mt Soybean in 2023. Year-on-Year increased 11.66%.
