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Second Anchovy Fishing Season begins this Monday, November 27

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27 Nov 2017
Lima, Peru

The Ministry of Production, Produce informed that on Monday, November 27, the Second Fishing Season 2017 of the Anchoveta resource begins in the north-central zone of the Peruvian coast.  

According to Ministerial Resolution No. 560-2017-PRODUCE, for this season the maximum catch limit is 1.49 million tons, according to the recommendation of the Institute of the Sea of Peru, Imarpe.  

It should be noted that Produce authorized an exploratory fishery for anchovy (Engraulis ringens) and anchovy white (Anchoa nasus) from November 23 to 26, in the maritime area between the north end of the maritime domain of Peru and 16'00''LS

  "The purpose of this exploratory fishery is to have up-to-date information on the distribution of the resource, its structure by size and the incidental capture of other species to predict conservation measures in a timely manner," said Minister of Production, Pedro Olaechea.  

Anchovy stock protection  
For its part, the Deputy Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Hector Soldi, said that the Electronic Log will be implemented for the first time, a tool that will allow a more effective control of the capture of juveniles for the protection of the Anchoveta stock.  

"In the face of constant oceanographic changes, such as the weather phenomenon known as Nino Costero, Produce and Imarpe, we will closely monitor the fishing activity, in order to protect the Anchoveta resource," he noted.  

Finally, Soldi exhorted the fishing industry to carry out their tasks in a responsible manner and timely inform about the presence of juveniles, as well as to respect the areas that are closed for that reason.  

In fact, with the information obtained during the first days of exploratory fishing, a ban has been established for 10 days, in the area from Callao to the north of the country, so that the anchovetera industrial fleet carries out its activities outside the 30 miles from the coast. The Imarpe will verify the results of this measure to make decisions that will ensure the protection of the Anchoveta resource.

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