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Peru's first season north-central anchovy quota slashed by 36%

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29 Apr 2019
Lima, Peru

Peru's Ministry of Production on Friday officially announced the first season of the country's anchovy harvest in north-central waters will begin on May 4, with a quota of 2.1 million metric tons, according to the country's official news agency, Andina.

The quota is  lower than last year 3.3 millions metric tons because of the impact generated by the warming of the waters off the Peruvian coast due to the El Niño phenomenon.

Vessels will halt fishing activities as soon as the quota is reached.

After the Marine Academy's detection report, the government Department of Health published:
(1) north-Central, 5,800,000 tons of fish resources.
(2) 1,820,000 tons of fish resources in the south.
(3) of these, there are 84% small fish.
(4) 43% of fish in the Egg stage
(5) Now the fish is thinner, oil fish is relatively small.
(6) The size of the fish is from two centimeters to 17 centimeters.
(7) Water temperature 50% forecast is normal and 50% low in the next four months

CFO Comments: 


this quota is even lower than Chinese expectation 2.5 millions metric level as such fishmeal RMB cash  market shall turn to be firm though inventory at China main ports is at high end currently.  

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