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Produce extends exploratory fishing for mackerel until October 6

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26 Sep 2020
Lima, Peru

The Ministry of Production (Produce) authorized the Peruvian Sea Institute (Imarpe) to extend for a period of 10 more days the execution of exploratory fishing for the mackerel resource (Scomber japonicus peruanus), with the participation of larger-scale vessels. , in order to determine the incidental catch of horse mackerel (Trachurus murphyi).

According to Ministerial Resolution No. 00319-2020, which was published in the newspaper “El Peruano” this Friday, Produce modified article 1 of its Ministerial Resolution No. 297-2020, which indicated that the start of exploratory fishing was from 00:00 hours on September 16 and for a period of 10 d0ays.

The new guideline specified that this period will be 20 calendar days or when Imarpe recommends it for reasons of conservation of resources. In this sense, exploratory fishing will culminate on October 6.

Research extension

According to the Imarpe exploratory mackerel fishing report from September 16 to 21, in the aforementioned period two main fishing areas were recorded. The first is located between Cerro Azul - Bahía Independencia between 40 and 60 miles from the coast; and the second is between Ático - Ilo between 30 and 40 miles from the coast.

In this sense, Imarpe indicated that considering that the observations made during the exploratory fishing for mackerel indicated variations in the composition by species according to degrees of latitude, with a higher percentage of incidence of horse mackerel in the southern region, it is recommended to explore other fishing areas in the area north of 15ºS of the Peruvian sea, for a period not exceeding 10 days.

For this reason, the Directorate of Policies and Regulation of the General Directorate of Policies and Regulatory Analysis in Fisheries and Aquaculture stated that for Imarpe to achieve the objectives set forth in exploratory fishing an additional period of 10 days is required for the intended purposes.

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