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Anchovy fishing season authorized in North-Central country for 2022

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03 May 2022
Lima, Peru
The Ministry of Production (Produce) authorized today the start of the first 2022 fishing season for anchovy (Engraulis ringens) and white anchovy (Anchoa nasus) for indirect human consumption in the North-Central Zone of Peru.
Through Ministerial Resolution 00167-2022-Produce, published in the newspaper El Peruano, it is specified that this includes the maritime area between 16°00'LS and the extreme north of Peru's maritime domain.
It was reported that an exploratory fishing was authorized from 00:00 hours on May 4, 2022, for a period of 15 calendar days, in the maritime area outside the five nautical miles of the coastline, then -from the 19 May - will officially start the fishing season.
Fishing quota first season 2022
Produce highlighted that the North-Central Maximum Total Permissible Catch Limit (LMTCP) of the anchoveta resource for indirect human consumption is 2,792,000 tons for this season.
It was specified that authorized vessels must carry out fishing operations outside the areas reserved for artisanal and small-scale fishing, according to current regulations.
Finally, it is indicated that IMARPE will coordinate and monitor the development of the aforementioned exploratory fishing, and must notify Produce in a timely manner about the development of the exploratory fishing, recommending, as soon as possible, the management measures that are necessary, or if applicable, the suspension of activities as appropriate.

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