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The First Season of Industrial Fishing has ended

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25 Jul 2022
Lima, Peru

Through Ministerial Resolution No. 00254-2022, the Ministry of Production put the end the first season of industrial fishing, much discussed due to the high presence of juvenile anchovy, and indicates that 2,263,717 tons of such a precious specimen have been fished.

According to the resolution published in the extraordinary edition of the Legal Norms of the newspaper El Peruano on Saturday 23, it is indicated that the official letters 708-Imarpe/PCD and 732-2022-Imarpe/PCD and the reports of the General Directorate of Policy and Regulatory Analysis of Fisheries and the Legal Office proceeded to close and terminate the first season of industrial fishing.

The aforementioned rule indicates that 805,000 MT of anchovy have been landed in Chimbote and 258,000 MT in Callao since the start of fishing on May 4 of this year.

The fishing season ends the day after this rule is published, that is, today, Sunday 24, and the vessels have a period of 24 hours to finish their unloading.

In those considered, it is indicated that a total according to Imarpe reports of 25.94% of juvenile anchovies has been fished. The reality indicates the opposite.




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