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Produce ends second season of anchovy fishing in north-center zone

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26 Jan 2017
Andina Peru

09:23.Lima, Jan. 25. The Ministry of Production (Produce) decided that the January 27 end of the second fishing season 2016 anchovy and longnose anchovy in the area between the northern end of Peru's maritime domain and 16o00'S.

Through Ministerial Resolution No. 046-2017-Produce, published today in the Official Gazette El Peruano, it is established as the maximum term for the download of anchovy extracted during the second season at 8:00 am on the second business day counted from The day after the resolution was published.

As a maximum term for processing is indicated the 23:59 hours of the second business day counted from the day following the publication of this ministerial resolution.

The Institute of the Peru Sea (Imarpe) will monitor and monitor the main biological, population and fishery indicators of the anchovy resource, and must inform and recommend in due course the measures of fisheries management.

Failure to comply with the provisions of this ministerial resolution shall be punished according to law.

The corresponding addresses of Produce, the regional fisheries departments and the General Directorate of Captaincy and Coast Guard of the Peruvian Navy, within the scope of their respective powers, will carry out the corresponding diffusion and supervision actions, and will ensure the Compliance with the provisions.

The recitals of the standard indicate that the Imarpe submitted a report on the development of the second season of anchovy fishing in the north-central region, on January 15, 2017, concluding that the landings in that area were 1, 73 million tonnes, which represents 87% of the quota established.

In that sense, and taking other considerations, Imarpe recommended the cessation of extractive activities from the last week of January 2017.

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