28 Sep 2024

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Coronavirus Outbreak Could Spur China to Fulfill Promise to Purchase U.S. Agricultural Products

The coronavirus outbreak could have the unexpected effect of helping the U.S. ensure that China sticks by its promise to purchase $40 billion to $50 billion worth of U.S. farm goods over two years because it will need the food, writes Sean Higgins at the Washington Examiner.

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Shanghai launches green agri-product promotion platform

An online green agri-product promotion platform was launched Wednesday in eastern China's Shanghai.

Residents will be able to search for locally produced green agri-products via a mobile app, together with the products' sales links and green food certificates issued by China's Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.

Shanghai is working on the production technologies and equipment of green agri-products, with an aim to reach a 30 percent certification rate of green agri-products.

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