16 Jul 2024

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Weekly Report

E.g., 16/07/2024
E.g., 16/07/2024
26 Feb 2024 - Hammersmith
Due to Monday being a holiday this was only a four day work week, but it was still quite an exciting trading week. Everything was lower this week except US winter wheat – corn prices were down by another USD 6 m/t, US soybeans dropped by about USD 13 m/t with soymeal down by about USD.........please click PDF to see more details
22 Feb 2024 - CFO Exclusive
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19 Feb 2024 - Hammersmith
Monday is a holiday in the USA – President’s Day – with most everything closed and grain traders enjoying a long weekend – well at least some will. This week was another week of lower prices for everything – we are sure stuck in a down market these days. US corn prices were down by about USD 5 m/t with soybeans also down by USD.......please click PDF to see more details
14 Feb 2024 - Hammersmith
This week was USDA WASDE week and the new projections have helped to move most everything lower on the week. USA corn prices move about USD 5 m/t lower with soybeans down by USD 3 m/t, soymeal down by close to USD 14 m/t. US hard red winter wheat was down by USD 8 m/t with spring wheat down by about USD 7 m/t........please click PDF to see more details
08 Feb 2024 - CFO Exclusive
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05 Feb 2024 - Hammersmith
Most grain and oilseed markets continued to slip to lower price levels this week --- soybeans were the leader dropping about USD 7 m/t although spot soymeal was up by about USD 7. Soymeal a little further in to 2024 was up by about USD 3 m/t. USA corn and wheat prices were almost unchanged on the week........please click PDF to see more details
30 Jan 2024 - CFO Exclusive
Other resources grew up by 314k tons in terms of FM cargoes in 2023…
29 Jan 2024 - Hammersmith
Soybeans and soymeal had down weeks this week as US wheat prices moved higher and corn did nothing. The word in most trade reports this week is that ever increasing world production levels for grains and oilseeds are weighing very heavily on the market. We are about to see very, very......
23 Jan 2024 - CFO Exclusive
Newly survey of marine biomass would startup since Feb 15…
22 Jan 2024 - Hammersmith
Most items slipped a little lower this week as we continue on the recent downward trend for almost everything. Soybeans and soymeal led the markets lower with beans down by about USD 5 m/t and soymeal down by about the same. Corn did little this week and finished almost unchanged. USA wheat prices dropped a little – down by USD 2 to 3 m/t.......please click PDF to see more details
