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Weekly Report

E.g., 17/09/2024
E.g., 17/09/2024
11 Mar 2019 - Hammersmith
Ah the USDA WASDE Report – most of the comments from the trade say that this month’s report was a nothing report or at least it certainly wasn’t a bullish report as had been expected by some in the trade. US corn ending stocks are higher per WASDE due to lower exports...........please click PDF to see more details
05 Mar 2019 - CFO Exclusive
The reducing trend of China SBM would make feeds cheaper….
04 Mar 2019 - Hammersmith
Corn prices were lower this week – down by about USD 5 m/t. An improvement in Brazil weather is said to have been one of the main factors along with the weakness seen in wheat prices. Some of the trade reports at the end of the week were saying that corn prices should be moving higher not lower and that the current slump could be short lived. Corn export prices were feeling the effect of the continued problems in the Ohio and Mississippi rivers which had pushed CIF Nola prices higher. Hopefully the river system problem will be solved in a week or two........please click PDF to see more details
26 Feb 2019 - CFO Exclusive
The slowing down China live pig reduces feeds demands for ……
25 Feb 2019 - Hammersmith
It was just a 4 day week in the US grain business this week and there wasn’t a huge amount of market price excitement --- corn, soybeans and soymeal were all about unchanged on the week but winter wheat prices did show some action – down by USD 6 to 8 on the week.................please click PDF to see more details.
18 Feb 2019 - Hammersmith
Monday is a holiday in the US so the week should start off quietly – market also ended the week quietly as everyone squared up their positions for the three-day weekend. On the week, corn prices were unchanged while soybeans dropped by about USD 3 m/t with winter wheat the big loser dropping USD 5 or 6 m/t........please click PDF to see more details
18 Feb 2019 - CFO Exclusive
Live pig cuts nearly 20% of breeding from a year earlier based on….
12 Feb 2019 - Hammersmith
It is certainly nice to have some USDA reports being issued once again but the WASDE report out this week was not an exciting and earth-shattering report. Just a nice quiet report that seemed to confirm all the numbers that the trade had been expecting........please click PDF to see more details
11 Feb 2019 - CFO Exclusive
Eyeing on how fast FM stockpiles gain up at main ports after …..
04 Feb 2019 - Hammersmith
Looking at where prices in the US finished the week one could say that it seemed to be a quiet week. Of course, there are always some exciting moments in the business during the week but when you finish off the week mostly unchanged or only with slight prices changes than it has been an overall quiet week. There was a lot of speculation about the US/China trade problems and how close they are to being solved. China is now expected to be in the market for soybeans, corn and wheat in coming days but exactly where will they buy their supplies......please click PDF to see more details
