18 Oct 2024

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Weekly Report

E.g., 18/10/2024
E.g., 18/10/2024
18 Dec 2017 - CFO Exclusive
The premise for re-fishing in Peru depends on how IMARPE evidences the favorably fishing conditions…
12 Dec 2017 - CFO Exclusive
RMB cash trend has been moving up by 25% due to uncertain fishing and it would be keeping….
11 Dec 2017 - Hammersmith
Another quiet week in the grain and oilseed business – expect perhaps for wheat prices which seemed willing to dip lower and lower. Corn prices moved around in a range of only USD 2 m/t or so while soybeans and soymeal did about the same........please click PDF to see more details
05 Dec 2017 - CFO Exclusive
RMB cash price has reportedly increased by 19% at Shanghai port since end of Oct, and that range would be…
04 Dec 2017 - Hammersmith
Well, the USA harvest seems to be all done and all the grain is in the bin. Now all we need to know is how much did we actually end up with. Was the USDA correct in its projections – do we just have a surplus or now a huge surplus? All questions for the market to argue over and for prices to react to. In most years we will have seen the low prices of the year and from here on in prices just move higher month by month to cover storage and finance costs. But then, there are always enough market factors that can be thrown in to keep things exciting until the next planting season in the US...........please click PDF to see more details
28 Nov 2017 - CFO Exclusive
Such high-rising cash uptrend of the imported fishmeal surely top up the cost at producing feeds…..
21 Nov 2017 - CFO Exclusive
"Chinese fishmeal importers have made prompt reaction to lift up RMB cash price but soon to approach...."
20 Nov 2017 - Hammersmith
Grain markets in the US decided to try for a little rally on Friday and managed to push both soybeans and soymeal up into a positive price on the week. Even with the Friday rally corn and wheat prices were a little lower on the week. Corn prices ended up almost unchanged from the previous week as corn had a very quiet and uninteresting week. Some reports say that farmers weren’t selling as they would rather hold until after next week’s Thanksgiving holiday in the US. There was the report from Brazil that the second corn crop would be down...........please click PDF to see more details
14 Nov 2017 - CFO Exclusive
RMB cash price could be soon to approach RMB11,500/ton at Shanghai though there’s a smooth curve…
13 Nov 2017 - Hammersmith
So, this was the week for the November USDA WASDE Report and looking at the prices at the end of Friday it looks like much of a non-event. The USDA increased expected corn yields for this year crop which pushed corn futures prices down to the low of the year. Corn stocks are forecasted to be at the highest level in 30 years. None of which was good news for prices or for farmers. However, things were not all that bad as corn futures were only down by about USD 3 m/t on the week...........please click PDF to see more details
