21 Sep 2024

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Weekly Report

E.g., 21/09/2024
E.g., 21/09/2024
26 Mar 2024 - CFO Exclusive
Stockpile of China fishmeal has exceeded 200k tons again to reduce cash trend…
25 Mar 2024 - Hammersmith
USA wheat prices were stronger this week, moving up by USD 9 to 10 m/t. Corn prices did very little for the week while soybeans had a down day on Friday dropping about USD 7 m/t and ended lower on the week by about USD 3 m/t. Soymeal was also weak on Friday but finished the week up by about ..........please click PDF to see more details
19 Mar 2024 - CFO Exclusive
The going up stockpile disadvantages RMB cash trend till breeding restores….
18 Mar 2024 - Hammersmith
Soybeans had another up week this week with prices moving about USD 6 m/t higher while soymeal prices slipped by about the same amount. Corn prices did little on the week finishing about the same as the previous week. All US wheat prices were lower with hard red winter and hard red spring wheat both being down by USD........please click PDF to see more details
12 Mar 2024 - CFO Exclusive
Measuring potential growth since earlier summer though current FM off-take is low…
11 Mar 2024 - Hammersmith
This week was USDA WASDE week --- US hard red winter wheat jumped higher after the report as did soybeans and soymeal while corn didn’t react at all to the new report. Trade reports say that this month’s WASDE was much of a no change report, but someone must feel bullish pushing soybeans/soymeal higher. Much of the week’s increase in soybean/soymeal prices......please click PDF to see more details
05 Mar 2024 - CFO Exclusive
RMB trend keeps down for first two weeks after lunar holiday…
04 Mar 2024 - Hammersmith
This week US corn prices moved higher by USD 4 to 5 m/t while soybeans and soymeal were both up by USD 4 m/t. US wheat prices were variable with soft winter wheat down by about USD 4 m/t while nearby hard winter wheat was up by USD 4 m/t. Depending on the shipment month US export spring wheat was up or down by about .......please click PDF to see more details
27 Feb 2024 - CFO Exclusive
There’s no apparent indication tells soonest recovery after lunar holiday…
26 Feb 2024 - Hammersmith
Due to Monday being a holiday this was only a four day work week, but it was still quite an exciting trading week. Everything was lower this week except US winter wheat – corn prices were down by another USD 6 m/t, US soybeans dropped by about USD 13 m/t with soymeal down by about USD.........please click PDF to see more details
