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Anchovy second 2023 fishing season ends

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12 Jan 2024
Lima, Peru
The Ministry of Production ordered that tomorrow, January 13, the second 2023 fishing season for the anchovy (Engraulis ringens) and white anchovy (Anchoa nasus) resources will conclude in the north-central area of Peru.
Through Ministerial Resolution No. 00008-2024-Produce, published today in the Legal Standards bulletin of the Official Gazette El Peruano, it was determined that the second anchovy capture season of 2023 ends in the area between the northern end of the domain maritime of Peru and 16°00'S.
The rule indicates that the unloading of anchovy extracted within the framework of the second north-central 2023 fishing season must be carried out within the next 24 hours after the end of the season. While the processing of said marine resource must be carried out within 48 hours of the end of the aforementioned season.
The conclusion of the season is based on the need to preserve and guarantee the sustainable management of hydrobiological resources, in accordance with the provisions of the General Fisheries Law and its regulations. According to the Imarpe report, an increase is observed in the gonadal maturation and spawning processes of anchovies from the north-central stock, indicating a reproductive activity that requires conservation measures.
In addition, emphasis is placed on the continuous monitoring of biological, population and fishing indicators by Imarpe, with the obligation to promptly report and recommend the necessary fisheries management measures.
Actors in the fishing industry are reminded that failure to comply with the provisions of this resolution entails sanctions, in accordance with current regulations. Dissemination and supervision actions will be carried out by the competent entities, both at the national and regional level.
The corresponding directorates of the Produce, as well as the agencies with fishing jurisdiction of the regional governments and the General Directorate of Captaincies and Coast Guard of the Peruvian Navy will carry out the corresponding dissemination actions and will ensure compliance with the provisions of this document. ministerial Resolution.
The resolution bears the signature of the Minister of Production, Ana María Choquehuanca de Villanueva.

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