22 Jul 2024

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Government presented successful results of the first anchovy fishing season in the North-Central zone

The Peruvian government today presented the successful results of the first anchovy fishing season 2024 in the North-Central zone, which reached a landing of 2,430,589 MT, representing 98.21% of the global quota assigned.
On board the Scientific Research Vessel (BIC) Humboldt, in Callao, the President of the Republic, Dina Boluarte, together with the Minister of Production, Sergio González Guerrero, announced the success of the season that officially began on April 16, 2024 with a Total Maximum Allowable Catch Limit (LMTCP) of 2,475,000 tons.

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Produce: first anchovy fishing season of 2024 ends

The Ministry of Production (Produce) decided to conclude the first fishing season for the anchovy (Engraulis ringens) and white anchovy (Anchoa nasus) resources in 2024, corresponding to the north-central area of ​​Peru.
Ministerial Resolution 000289-2024-Produce, published today in the Official Gazette El Peruano, indicates that the first anchovy fishing season of 2024 will conclude at 00:00 hours the day after this regulation is issued, in the area maritime area between the northern end of the maritime domain of Peru and 16º00'S.

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The 1st Peru North - Central Zone Fishing Season start

The Ministry of Production authorized the start of the First Fishing Season 2024 of the anchovy and white anchovy resource for indirect human consumption.


In accordance with Ministerial Resolution No. 000118-2024-PRODUCE, it is established that this will occur in the maritime area between the northern end of the Peruvian maritime domain and 16°00′S, starting at 00:00 hours of the next April 16th.


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Produce authorizes exploratory anchovy fishing in the southern part of the country

According to Ministerial Resolution No. 000015-2024-PRODUCE, published in the newspaper El Peruano, this research activity will begin on the third calendar day of publication of this legal regulation and will last 10 days.
The research aims to update information on the spatial distribution of anchovy, according to their sizes, in the southern region of the Peruvian Sea.

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Anchovy second 2023 fishing season ends

The Ministry of Production ordered that tomorrow, January 13, the second 2023 fishing season for the anchovy (Engraulis ringens) and white anchovy (Anchoa nasus) resources will conclude in the north-central area of Peru.
Through Ministerial Resolution No. 00008-2024-Produce, published today in the Legal Standards bulletin of the Official Gazette El Peruano, it was determined that the second anchovy capture season of 2023 ends in the area between the northern end of the domain maritime of Peru and 16°00'S.

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Produce partially suspends exploratory fishing due to high incidence of juveniles

According to the preliminary report from Imarpe, there is an incidence of juveniles of up to 50% and an increase in fishing effort has been evidenced.

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Produce authorizes start of second anchovy fishing season

The Peruvian Ministry of Production just issued a ministerial resolution N°00391-2022-PRODUCE, announcing that the maximum fishing limit for the B fishing season in the central and northern parts of 2022 will be 2.283 million tons, which will be tentative for 5 days from 00:00 on November 23 Fish, complete the full quota or end according to IMARPE recommendations.

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2021 Peru B Season North Central Fishing Officially Ends

According to the document No. N°00008-2022-Produce of the Peruvian Ministry of Production, the 2021 Peru B season fishing in the north-central part of the country officially ended at 0:00 on January 15, 2021.

According to Imarpe statistics, from November 15, 2021 to January 12, 2022, the fishing volume in central and northern Peru totaled 2,007,539 tons, the remaining quota was 39,461 tons, and the completion rate was 98.07%.


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Peru Anchovy Fishing Season B Authorized

Produce authorized the next start of the second anchovy fishing season. Maximum catch limit will be 2,047 million MT, a lower quota than the first season.
Through a resolution in an extraordinary edition issued today, the Ministry of Production (Produce) authorized the next start of the second anchovy fishing season in the north-central area of ​​the coast, between the extreme north of the maritime domain of Peru. and 16 ° 00′LS.
The standard establishes two areas of authorization:

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Produces a fixed quota of 2.5 million tons for anchovy fishing in the north-central zone

The Ministry of Production ( Produce ) established a quota of 2.5 million tons for the fishing of anchovy (Engraulis ringens) and white anchovy (Anchoa nasus) for indirect human consumption to be carried out in the north-central zone.

According to Ministerial Resolution N 120-2021-PRODUCE, the measure comes into effect as of today with the execution of an exploratory fishing that will last up to a maximum period of 10 days.

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