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Produce authorizes exploratory anchovy fishing in the southern part of the country

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19 Jan 2024
Lima, Peru
According to Ministerial Resolution No. 000015-2024-PRODUCE, published in the newspaper El Peruano, this research activity will begin on the third calendar day of publication of this legal regulation and will last 10 days.
The research aims to update information on the spatial distribution of anchovy, according to their sizes, in the southern region of the Peruvian Sea.
Contributing to the sustainability of the country's hydrobiological resources, Imarpe will coordinate and monitor the development of the aforementioned exploratory fishing, and must promptly communicate its development to the Ministry of Production. Likewise, if necessary, it will promptly recommend the suspension of activities, the immediate closure of fishing areas due to the incidence of juveniles or entanglement, as appropriate.
The volume of the anchovy resource extracted by vessels participating in exploratory fishing will be considered as part of the Maximum Catch Limit per Vessel (LMCE Sur) that is assigned for the following fishing season in the aforementioned area.
Among other conditions for the development of exploratory fishing, the standard states that participating fishing vessels must be equipped with anchovy purse seine nets of 13 mm mesh size and with the installed and operational equipment of the Satellite Tracking System for fishing vessels ( SISESAT).
Fishing vessels participating in exploratory fishing, whose owners fail to comply with the provisions of this standard, are immediately excluded from this activity, as well as from subsequent scientific activities for a period of one year; without prejudice to the initiation of the corresponding administrative sanctioning procedure, in accordance with the current legal framework.

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