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Ministry of Production authorizes exploratory fishing for pejerrey and hake

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11 Sep 2017
Lima, Peru

The Ministry of Production authorized the Instituto del Mar del Peru (IMARPE) implementing exploratory fishery resources silverside (Odontesthes regia) and hake (Merluccius gayi peruanus), according to the ministerial resolutions No. 2017 and No. 404- 405-2017, respectively, published in the official newspaper El Peruano.

The pejerrey will be explored for a period of three days in the areas of Callao, Camana, Chimbote, Huacho and Pisco. Hake from the northern end of our maritime domain to 7 ° 00 'South Latitude

In the case of silverside the exploratory fishery for a period of three (3) calendar days, counted from Friday September 8 in maritime areas comprising areas of Callao, Camana, Chimbote, Huacho and Pisco, with the participation of two (2) artisanal vessels for each fishing zone.

In order for precautionary resource sustainability, IMARPE will be in charge of this authorized by this RM fishing activities, and will report the results to the Directorate General of Policy and Regulatory Analysis Fisheries and Aquaculture Deputy Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture PRODUCES.

The participating vessels must have valid fishing permits and preservation systems that guarantee the conservation of the product in the best conditions. The holders of the fishing permits should not have an administrative sanction that limits the carrying out of extractive activities of any resource.

They must also comply with the sanitary measures that apply to fishing activities for direct human consumption, in accordance with the legal provisions in force; must use the fishing gear with the characteristics indicated by the IMARPE; the operations will be carried out outside the prohibited zones and reserve, according to the current legal provisions.


In the case of hake, the exploratory fishery is established in the area between the northern end of Peru's maritime domain and 7 ° 00 'South Latitude. The exploratory fishing begins from 00:00 hours on Friday September 8, until the end of the period of validity of the breeding closure of the resource approved by Ministerial Resolution No. 383-2017-PRODUCE.

With the aim of safeguarding the sustainability of the resource, monitoring and activity monitoring will be conducted by IMARPE, who promptly report the results thereof to the Directorate General of Policy and Regulatorito Analysis on Fisheries and Aquaculture for the establishment of the measures. If you consider that the sustainability of the resource is being affected, IMARPE will promptly recommend to PRODUCE the suspension of exploratory fishing in whole or in part.

Participating artisanal vessels must have a fishing permit in force to extract the resource; use only passive fishing gear; bring to the place of disembarkation the captured resource in full state and allow the IMARPE observers to take the necessary samples for the purposes of the corresponding investigation, which will have no cost.

Likewise, at least four (4) samples shall be taken weekly, each consisting of four (4) boxes of approximately twenty-five (25) kilograms each.

The operations will be carried out outside the prohibited and reserve areas under the current legal provisions; the holders of fishing permits should not have an administrative sanction that limits the performance of extractive activities of any resource; the vessel owners of the participating fishing vessels shall not dispose of the incidentally caught hydrobiological resources to the sea.

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