22 Jul 2024

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Produce: first anchovy fishing season of 2024 ends

The Ministry of Production (Produce) decided to conclude the first fishing season for the anchovy (Engraulis ringens) and white anchovy (Anchoa nasus) resources in 2024, corresponding to the north-central area of ​​Peru.
Ministerial Resolution 000289-2024-Produce, published today in the Official Gazette El Peruano, indicates that the first anchovy fishing season of 2024 will conclude at 00:00 hours the day after this regulation is issued, in the area maritime area between the northern end of the maritime domain of Peru and 16º00'S.

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Produce authorizes start of second anchovy fishing season

The Peruvian Ministry of Production just issued a ministerial resolution N°00391-2022-PRODUCE, announcing that the maximum fishing limit for the B fishing season in the central and northern parts of 2022 will be 2.283 million tons, which will be tentative for 5 days from 00:00 on November 23 Fish, complete the full quota or end according to IMARPE recommendations.

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Second anchovy fishing season of South Peru begins in July 1

The Ministry of Production (Produce) authorized the start of the second season of anchovy and white anchovy fishing in the maritime area between 16 ° 00'LS and the southern end of the maritime domain of Peru; which will be given during the second semester of the year 2018.


According to Produce , the start of this season "will run from 00:00 hours on July 1, 2018, being the completion date, once the Maximum Total Limit of Permissible Capture of the South Zone has been reached (LMTCP South ) authorized, or in its absence, this may not exceed December 31, 2018. "


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Ministry of Production authorizes exploratory fishing for pejerrey and hake

The Ministry of Production authorized the Instituto del Mar del Peru (IMARPE) implementing exploratory fishery resources silverside (Odontesthes regia) and hake (Merluccius gayi peruanus), according to the ministerial resolutions No. 2017 and No. 404- 405-2017, respectively, published in the official newspaper El Peruano.

The pejerrey will be explored for a period of three days in the areas of Callao, Camana, Chimbote, Huacho and Pisco. Hake from the northern end of our maritime domain to 7 ° 00 'South Latitude

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N° 186-2017-PRODUCE - Establish anchovy resource capture quota for 2017

HAVING SEEN: IMPERPE Office No. 145-2017-IMARPE / CD and the Report No. 083-2017-PRODUCE / DGPARPA-DPO of the General Directorate of Policies and Regulatory Analysis in Fisheries and Aquaculture; Y,




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