22 Jul 2024

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Second anchovy fishing season of South Peru begins in July 1

The Ministry of Production (Produce) authorized the start of the second season of anchovy and white anchovy fishing in the maritime area between 16 ° 00'LS and the southern end of the maritime domain of Peru; which will be given during the second semester of the year 2018.


According to Produce , the start of this season "will run from 00:00 hours on July 1, 2018, being the completion date, once the Maximum Total Limit of Permissible Capture of the South Zone has been reached (LMTCP South ) authorized, or in its absence, this may not exceed December 31, 2018. "


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Peru PRODUCE announced higher quota 3.3 millions

Produce indicated that the capture quota assigned to the first season of 2018 is around 3.3 million tons, according to the recommendation of the Marine Institute of Peru (Imarpe), higher than the 2.8 million tons set in the first season of 2017.
The Ministry of Production (Produce) Peru reported today that the first fishing season 2018 of the anchoveta resource in the north-central area of ​​the Peruvian coast will begin with a five-day exploratory fishing on Saturday, April 7.

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The second 2017 Peruvian Anchovy Quota for the North-Centre authorized

Peru's ministry of production, Produce, has set the anchovy total allowable catch (TAC) for the upcoming season -- in the center-north of the country's waters -- at 1.49 million metric tons.
Exploratory fishing for this second fishing season of 2017 will begin on Nov. 23, according to local media, citing advice from the Peruvian marine institute, IMARPE.

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FISHING IN PERU - Fishing commencing late November 2017

The second season of anchovy Fishing Resource, 2017, in the North Central Coast of Peru could start later this month. It has been the holder of the Ministry of production (produce), Pedro Olaechea.
In this regard, the Deputy Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture produces, Hector Soldi, reported that the Cruise (Acoustic) Evaluation of the anchovy of the Marine Institute of Peru (IMARPE) for this second season ends on Sunday, after which it will be suggested to produce the start date and the fishing quota this season.

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Ministry of Production authorizes exploratory fishing for pejerrey and hake

The Ministry of Production authorized the Instituto del Mar del Peru (IMARPE) implementing exploratory fishery resources silverside (Odontesthes regia) and hake (Merluccius gayi peruanus), according to the ministerial resolutions No. 2017 and No. 404- 405-2017, respectively, published in the official newspaper El Peruano.

The pejerrey will be explored for a period of three days in the areas of Callao, Camana, Chimbote, Huacho and Pisco. Hake from the northern end of our maritime domain to 7 ° 00 'South Latitude

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IMARPE will begin to assess Second Season of anchovy

The Cruise has reported that the assessment of anchovy Spawning Stock will last about 20 days in the North - Central
The Head of the Ministry of production (PRODUCE), Pedro Olaechea, noted that two scientific vessels Sail from IMARPE Tuesday 8/22 From Callao to study the spawning biomass of Anchovy, which may determine the start of the second season of Fishing 2017 in the North Center of the country.

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FAO: Peruvian anchovy catches to boost global small pelagics harvest in 2017

Global landings of small pelagics are expected to grow 7% in 2017 compared with 2016, according to a new report by the United Nations's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

"The major reason for this growth is an expected higher catch of Peruvian anchovy. Atlantic mackerel and Atlantic herring are also expected to increase, although not as much as anchovy," the report reads.

The combined increase for herring and mackerel landings in 2017 is expected to be about 4% more than in 2016, according to FAO.

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An estimated 85.8% share of anchovy

In the first fishing season, 2,337,098 tonnes of anchovy were used for indirect human consumption, equivalent to 85.85% of the quota allocated for the northern and central areas of the country, Production Minister Pedro Olaechea said.
"The first part of the year has been positive for fishing, not only because the oceanographic conditions favored the resource, but, in addition, they were allocated one million tons more than in the first season of 2016, which greatly aided the growth of Gross domestic product (GDP), "he said.

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PRODUCE authorizes the start of the second season of anchovy fishing for the Southern Zone

The maximum allowable catch limit in the southern zone of the anchoveta and white anchovy resource for indirect human consumption is 515,000 tonnes, as established by PRODUCE.

The Ministry of Production (Produce) authorized the start of the second season of fishing for the anchovy and white anchovy in the southern part of the country, specifically in the maritime area between 16º 00'LS and the southern end, for the period July - December this year.

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Peruvian fishmeal prices stable as anchovy catches pass 70% of TAC

Peruvian fishmeal prices are expected to remain stable in coming weeks, having already recently fallen amid strong supply from Peru, Europe and Chile.

"Prices at the moment are stable both in China and Peru," a source from a large Peruvian fishmeal producer said.

Pre-sales of Peruvian fishmeal from this ongoing season appear to be at around 500,000 metric tons, most of which in the process of being delivered to China, Enrico Bachis, market research director for IFFO, the marine ingredients organization, told Undercurrent.

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